Tuesday, May 11, 2010


ok, so here's my method & materials so far. the method has changed a little since last time because i have access to an incubator and im using petrifilms instead of agar plates.

1. Obtain all necessary equipment- 30 petrifilms, one incubator, 3 forms of milk, test tubes and a syringe.
2. Fill 10 test tubes (approx. amount) with the same amount of water (1mL)
3. Measure out 0.1mL of full cream milk with syringe and place in first test tube.
4. Shake the test tube.
5. Measure out 0.1mL of the diluted milk from the first test tube and place in the second test tube.
6. Repeat steps 4-5 until all ten test tubes have diluted milk.
7. Mark the petri films with the test tube number.
8. Carefully peel the top cover of the petri film almost all the way without touching the internal surface.
9. Place the dilution into the middle of the film.
10. Use a spreader* to give the dilution a circular shape and to ensure it is spread evenly.
11. Repeat steps 7-10 for all 10 dilutions.
12. Place all 10 petrifilms in an incubator at 36 degrees celsius.
13. Remove the ten petri films 48 hours later.
14. Make observations and record results.
15. Repeat steps 1-14 for the two other types of milk- organic and soy
16. Once all 3 milk types have been done once, repeat steps 1-15 to ensure a fair result.

There may be some slight alterations along the way; for example i may not need ten test tubes, i may not use water but some other diluent- but that should be all.

alrighty, good nighty
*a spreader is a type of 'mould' thing that helps give the liquid its shape.

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